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Case Study

Industrial Paper Mill

Surface aeration and liquid oxygen

A cutting-edge WWTP treating the effluent from a semiconductor factory with pre-treatment processes of separation, metal recycling and MBR for removing organic materials.


To urgently supply additional oxygen to the aerobic reactor without interfering with the existing treatment process.


The client hired two FFBATM units. The floating units were installed just above the existing fixed-to-the-floor diffusers. Membracon also provided a specialized manifold that connected to the existing air feeding pipe, eliminating the need to supply a new blower.


Membracons rental aeration system was supplied to the client within seven days, and was installed and operating within two days. Following the installation, the wastewater process performance improved and the nitrogen removal returned to its expected values. Installation was completed without draining the reactor, providing the factory with consistent production. Following the project's success, the client purchased two additional floating aeration units in case of further problems with their fixed-to-the-floor diffusers.

Learn More about Aeration

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