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Case Study: Process Water Solutions In Taiwan

Membracon > Case Studies > Case Study: Process Water Solutions In Taiwan

Southern Taiwan Science Park (STSP) pilot plant, Chia Nan University, Taiwan

An extensive pilot trial based on full-scale MBR membrane modules has been conducted by the Department of Environmental Engineering and Science, Chia Nan University, at an industrial site in Taiwan. The work included measurement of the sludge and foulant characteristics.

The 10 m³/d plant compromised a 10 m³ buffer tank followed by process and membrane tanks each having an 8.7 m³ working volume (and thus providing 42 h HRT). The plant was challenged with wastewater at 16-28˚C and generally between 800 and 12,000 mg/L COD concentration derived from combined pharmaceutical and septic tank effluent.


The MLSS concentration was increased from 6,00 to 12,000 over an initial operating period of 80 d, and was then operated at 12,000-17,000 mg/L solids concentration for a further 40 d. The viscosity was found to vary logarithmically with MLSS over the entire concentration range studied. At a mean SRT of 40 days and COD loading of 0.099-6.488 kgCOD/(m³.d).  

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