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Understanding Effluent

Understanding Effluent

Effluent is a byproduct of wastewater after its treatment. It is commonly known as ‘trade water’. Effluent is produced and discharged by any industrial or commercial premises into the natural water cycle by letting it flow directly into the rivers or seas.

Effluent wastewater needs treatment even before it enters the sewers. Wastewaters from large-scale commercial industries like manufacturing and mining are composed of contaminants like chemicals, detergents, greases, oils, heavy metal rinses and solids.

These harmful solvents and solids act stubbornly and sometimes stay back in the effluent even after being treated; hence, the treatment of effluent becomes necessary as the chemicals present in it can severely damage the pipelines.

Therefore, the companies need to ensure that the effluent discharge is within the license consent limits and is safe to enter the sewer.

Why does the Effluent Need to Be Treated?

The effluent needs to be taken care of because it can potentially destroy marine life and harm human life.

  • Environment – Exposure to contaminated water sources pose a risk of pollution as well as human and livestock-related illnesses. Due to the presence of harmful chemicals in the discharge, nature also has detrimental effects. The salt deposition in the aquatic systems can hamper the natural water flow. Due to oxygen deficiency, marine life is majorly affected, which becomes a cause of an imbalance in nature.
  • Human Health – Human life is affected similarly. The seafood consumed is contaminated with toxic metals and solvents, which then cause diseases like cancer, poisoning, etc. The microbial pathogens present in the effluent pose a severe health threat for humans who actively take part in recreational water activities. Not to forget, the labourers’ servicing in the sewage outfalls are severely affected due to the contaminated wastewater. Effluents are capable of causing indirect health hazards, which we cannot ignore.

Untreated Effluent Discharge Is Illegal

One should be aware that, in many cases, the discharge of wastewater in its original form is considered illegal. The government incentivizes industrial effluent treatment to be recycled and reused for various purposes. Hence, the discharge should always be purified. It is noteworthy that due to the advancements in the treatment processes, the industries are now in a position to treat wastewater effluents using the right methods in their premises.

Methods to Purify Effluent

Membracon uses the following methods to purify effluents:

Reverse Osmosis Systems

These systems assist in the efficient production of distilled water.

With a reduced carbon footprint, the water treated using the RO filtration can be reused for various purposes. It eliminates up to 99.9% of total dissolved solids (TDS) and chlorine taste and colour

Reverse Osmosis Membranes and systems

Ultrafiltration (UF)

The Ultrafiltration membrane technology removes pollutants and contaminants from the effluent discharge. We offer a wide range of UF for treating the effluent. Out of which, ‘spiral membranes’ are ideal as they are capable of performing efficiently in a broad range of chemical, temperature, and pressure applications. UF membranes are also energy-efficient, compact, and economical, allowing greater flexibility for the ultrafiltration process.

Ultrafiltrate Membranes

Ceramic Filtration

Membracon ceramic filtration system uses highly effective cross-flow filtration technology. The ceramic membranes are resistant to abrasion and have high chemical resistance which makes them suitable for industrial applications that require filtration of challenging micro chemicals and solids.

Ceramic Filtration Membranes

Membracon also works in close association with the UK based innovation partners such as the WRK DGC’s. WRK Design’s innovation of DGC (Downflow Gas Contractor) incorporates UV and Ozone technology, which treats the slurry.

Take a step towards making the environment green by choosing our effluent treatment services. The systems and technologies used at Membracon are eco-friendly and do not harm the surroundings. Our environment-friendly methodologies are carefully curated, keeping the health safety of the employees and labours in mind. Using our methods, we ensure zero harm while dealing with ‘difficult’ and toxic effluent discharge and sewage treatment.

Get in Touch

Membracon values its esteemed customers and always has them on top priority, which is why the services and systems we offer not only help you but also make your work quicker, effortless, and more productive.

Every product at Membracon is manufactured with dedication, consciousness, and care for the environment; so that you don’t hesitate before investing in our top-notch products. Upgrade the way you live and while going eco-friendly with our resilient technologies that have been trusted by our clients for decades! We’re just a call away.

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