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UV Bacterial Control

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UV Bacterial Prevention Solutions for Water

Water is used at some point in almost every manufacturing process worldwide.  In many industrial applications, the use of chemicals such as chlorine or biocides is restricted for process reasons.  Ultraviolet Disinfection (UV) provides a highly effective, chemical free  solution for a vast range of industrial applications.

Common applications are;

  • Aquaculture
  • Building services
  • Food & Beverage
  • Marine & Shipping
  • Horticulture
  • Liquid Sugar
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Petrochemical
  • De-Chlorination
  • De-Ozonation
  • TOC Reduction
  • Advanced Oxidation

Why Ultra-Violet Filtration?

The applications listed here are by no means exhaustive, if a process exists that is not detailed here it is highly likely that our engineering team have experience of the process or at least the means to investigate whether UV is suitable for the application.

UV light is a physical, nonintrusive method of ensuring that organisms are unable to replicate, and with a typical life of only a few minutes, they are rendered harmless.

Correctly sized UV systems can also be used to de-chlorinate or de-ozonate process water and to assist in the removal of TOC and urea from ultra pure water. The level of a pathogens inactivation depends on the UV dose (UV intensity x exposure time) applied and the pathogens susceptibility to this UV dose and it varies for every pathogen.

UV does not affect the taste, colour, or pH of the fluid being disinfected and, as such, the technique is often used where conventional chlorine disinfection cannot be applied, such as within a brewery, soft drinks plant, pharmaceutical facility or fish farm.

In addition to providing an effective disinfection solution, UV treatment can be used to remove chlorine, chloramines, ozone, bromine and a wide variety of organic contaminants such as urea, phenols and polyaromatic hydrocarbons from industrial process water.

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