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What Are The Best Industrial Water Filtration Solutions?

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What Are The Best Industrial Water Filtration Solutions?

Depending on the quality of your raw water, different industrial water filtration systems can be used to remove impurities, solids and chemicals. The systems you use are also dependable on the quality of the water you want to achieve for your process.

The correct treatment and management of wastewater can help the environment.

Reliant on the industry, finer quality of water may be compulsory. To achieve this more than one type of system may be required. Keep reading to find out the best way to manage and treat industrial wastewater.

Download The Ultimate Guide To Industrial Water Filtration 


What Are Water Filtration Systems?


Water filtration is the removal of impurities out of an initial raw water source. Systems are put in place in the production line to supply the correct quality of water. As the water passes through the system, membranes capture and remove impurities.

There are various solutions such as;

  • Reverse Osmosis
  • Water Recycling units
  • Ceramic Filtration
  • Ultrafiltration
  • Nanofiltration
  • Coarse Filtration
  • UV light

Different industries require different qualities of water. Food and beverage industries would require a more defined quality due to human consumption.

Reverse osmosis is capable of rejecting 99.9% of bacteria, being used frequently in the design of pharmaceuticals pure water systems.

Finishing processes in the automotive and aerospace industries require precise water specifications to ensure the highest quality of the production parts.

Which Water Filtration System Is The Best?


There is not one system that ranks higher than another. Dependent on both the quality of the water you have and the quality of water you want to achieve, a combination of systems are put in place.

One water filtration does not fit all, they are tailored to your own water issue.

What Water Industrial Filtration Systems Are Available?


There are a number of solutions to purify your raw water, with the majority of systems addressing more than one issue. Below are the most popular.

A UV light is used for bacterial control ensuring organisms are unable to replicate. With a typical life of only a few minutes, they are rendered harmless. UV does not affect the colour, taste or pH.

UV treatment can be used to remove chlorine, chloramines, ozone, bromine and a wide variety of organic contaminants.

Water recycling units use a ceramic filtration system. Ceramic membranes are able to provide filtration at high flows, whilst minimising membrane fouling.

Due to their material they can filter fluids with a high concentration of oil, suspended solids and high viscosity at high temperatures.

Ceramic Filtration Membranes

A reverse osmosis system is a method of producing pure water via raw water passing through a semi-permeable membrane, removing impurities as it passes. 

Reverse osmosis is becoming increasingly popular due to the many benefits it has and its green solution for industrial water treatment.

It requires no chemicals, membrane parts are cheaper to replace and it requires minimal operator interaction.

A reverse osmosis unit self-cleans as it is an automated system. It only requires a daily check by on site personnel.

As the popularity of membrane solutions increase, the cost of membrane elements decrease.



As there are so many options when it comes to water filtration, Membracon prospers to ensure each system is the best for their clients. This is why every unit is fully bespoke, designed and built to suit each customer’s requirements.

The first step in understanding your industrial water treatment requirement is to analyse your raw water and establish the water quality you need to achieve. Membracon offer a free water analysis test to help you with this process. Please contact us to arrange today.

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