Water treatment for the Utility


The Utility sector provides drinking water and wastewater services (including sewage treatment) to residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. With the utility sector servicing the entire UK population, there is a naturally high volume of water that is both used and wasted.

Whether this is clean water production or dirty water recycling, treatment, and disposal, there are a number of processes that are applicable. Alongside these processes, it is of the utmost importance to think about the environmental impact water has, whether it is on the front end with production or the back end with the disposal.  The proper management of water and wastewater is vital. Any variations with disposal can have massive impacts on the environment so a suitable water treatment system is required. Fines and other penalties can be applied in certain instances which is why designing and installing the correct system is of the highest importance.

water treatment in utility sector

Installing water treatment solutions

With the mounting concern of preventing disease, the cost of installing a water treatment facility could far outweigh the damages to a business if harmful bacteria were to infect the livestock. The UK government lay out strict regulations on managing the risk of disease within this industry and it’s vital that businesses manage their water as part of this. Reverse Osmosis systems form part of a water treatment solution that could be invaluable to a dairy and agriculture business as it reduces the presence of harmful bacteria and reduces the overall expenditure needed to generate clean water for the business over time. Proper water treatment can remove the presence of mud or harmful bacteria from the water which could lower the risk of illnesses within livestock and drive up the quality of the produce. Additionally, the water could there be recycled back into the facility which creates a cost saving over time on the amount being spent on water use.

How can Membracon help you?

Membracon can help you to improve the cost of water in your utility processes by installing a water recycling facility that is equipped to remove the harmful substances from the wastewater so that they can be properly disposed of. The left-over water can be treated using a number of processes depending on your requirements such as reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, and UV bacteria control to make the water fit for reuse back within the process. The benefit to you is that your water costs and environmental footprint will be reduced as there is less contaminated water being generated over time thanks to the recycling facilities installed into your processes.

Would you like to learn more? Contact us via the form below and a water treatment expert will be in touch!

The Utility sector provides drinking water and wastewater services (including sewage treatment) to residential, commercial, and industrial sectors.


With the utility sector servicing the entire UK population, there is a naturally high volume of water that is both used and wasted.


Whether this is clean water production or dirty water recycling, treatment, and disposal, there are a number of processes that are applicable.


Alongside these processes, it is of the utmost importance to think about the environmental impact water has, whether it is on the front end with production or the back end with the disposal.  The proper management of water and wastewater is vital. Any variations with disposal can have massive impacts on the environment so a suitable water treatment system is required.


Fines and other penalties can be applied in certain instances which is why designing and installing the correct system is of the highest importance.

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