Water treatment for the Industrial


Manufacturing and industrial plants use high volumes of water as part of their everyday processes for the production and cooling of products and equipment. It’s also used for the cleaning and in the storage of specialist products in order to maintain the expected levels of health and safety.

In the industrial sector, the mismanagement of water is often the cause of the high volumes that get unnecessarily flushed away every year. Research conducted to look at the volume of water consumption in the industry found the generation division has the highest usage rate sector; using 90% of the water in this sector. Water scarcity is often a problem for those in the industrial sector. As high volumes of water are constantly required, areas begin to experience problems with shortages or water companies applying large surcharges to bills for mass water use.

Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment | Membracon | Wolverhampton, West Midlands

Manufacturing and industrial plants use high volumes of water as part of their everyday processes for the production and cooling of products and equipment. It’s also used for the cleaning and in the storage of specialist products in order to maintain the expected levels of health and safety.

In the industrial sector, the mismanagement of water is often the cause of the high volumes that get unnecessarily flushed away every year. Research conducted to look at the volume of water consumption in the industry found the generation division has the highest usage rate sector; using 90% of the water in this sector.

Water scarcity is often a problem for those in the industrial sector. As high volumes of water are constantly required, areas begin to experience problems with shortages or water companies applying large surcharges to bills for mass water use.

Water Treatment

As water is so integral to the day to day operational demands of the industrial sector, it’s naturally one of the main focuses for areas of improvement, particularly as awareness begins to spread about the risk of high levels of water wastage. Installing water treatment facilities into your industrial plant can help to drive down the environmental damage and cost caused by wastewater and to prevent issues such as water scarcity.

The installation of ceramic filtration water recycling facilities allows the wastewater to be treated through the separation of any dirt and chemicals from the water which is then put back into the system to be cleaned and reused. Reverse osmosis units are also highly beneficial to the industrial sector. They use a system of semi-permeable membranes to clean water and makes it useable once again. This limits the amount of water that businesses will need to pull in from the main water system which will help to combat water scarcity, contamination and financial outgoings for water.

How can Membracon help?

Membracon are water treatment experts specialising in bringing solutions that reduce water wastage. Working alongside you, we can find a tailored resolution to your water problems that will make your facility more efficient in the long term. If you are working with an existing water treatment system, we can also carry out a performance review and, where appropriate recommend upgrades or modernisations that could result in even greater long-term savings for you. Additionally, we can also offer:

- Training for you and if you introduce new employees who need to understand the water treatment process.
- Process maintenance to manage any issues as soon as they arise and to prevent them from becoming a larger problem.
- Service agreements to allow for ongoing management of the water treatment facility and to give you back the time for other tasks.

Would you like to learn more? Contact us via the form below and a water treatment expert will be in touch!


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